Friday, January 23, 2009

my friday

It's Friday!!!!!!! I woke up early and rushed my parents like mad.They come back from jogging at 8,went to the market,come home and then*grin* smile at me soooo relaxingly.I look at the clock,it was 8.55a.m and i need to reach church at 9.15.They haven even changed their clothes.-.-''

Su Ling:daddyyyyyyy!faster faster faster,i am going to be late,very paiseh ar
Dad:aiya,man man lai ma =.=
Su Ling:sweat...who teach u to speak that,and he continued to *grin* smile at me.
Luckily i wasn't late,i reach at 9.08a.m.Haha,as ah Jim said,aiya,if uncle New drive dun worry la,so u can imagine my dad's speed when he is driving.LOL.Oh ya,Jeremy is back with us.We were about to start practicing as the youths are taking over the worship today when aunty Christina came to me and ask me if i can worship lead,Bethany was not feeling well.I was dumbstruck,I never tried before.But I told her that I will give a try.We begin to practice,there were mistakes and i became really really really very nervous.The youths were supporting me all the time.They make me laugh,they prayed for me and constantly asking me not to be panic,they will help me out.Thank u guys.Finally the worship started.I began to sing the first song,The time has come.In my heart i was praying and praying that God will give me the strength and confidence and will guide the team.Part of the youths and adults came to the front and worship,and hey,everybody was dancing.I was really encouraged by this.We proceeded to the next song.Sing Sing Sing.This song benar benar stir up.Everybody was singing and dancing.It is so nice to see everybody worshipping Him in the house of the Lord as one body,as one family.We were doing our best unto Him.After two more songs we ended.Jeremy suddenly came,Su Lingggggg,u are so sak,haha.I was happy for my own as i pick up the courage to lead for my very first time and it was wonderful(praising myself again)*paise*After church,koko Andrew anounce that the youth CNY celebration will be held at aunty Angie's house.Wuuu!!!!All of us went excited.

After church we went to the hospital and visited siloam.Kay Sin drives the van.My goodness,it was quite scary,he saw many parking places and was confuse on which place to park at.But as Cindy says:luckily we reach safely 
=.='' We entered a junction and saw KFC

whay chiat:eh,kfc la,on liao leh,lai
Gary:kfc?dun wan la,pizza lagi nice
whay chiat:aiya,pizza not nice 1 la,a few days ago i baru went nia

the van continue to pass by shops.I took the jelly that aunty Janice made and started to eat eat eat.Adrian nudge nudge me,haha,i handed to them some.There was a new pizza hut,beside was amway
Me:eh!!!! new pizza hut la,when did it appear de?how come i dunno 1
Jim:yalor,come from where de??
Cindy:last year open liao lor
Me:huh?last year,when?
Cindy:er december...=.='''
Whay chiat:eh,on liao ler,let's go n buy
Gary:eh,just now not u say pizza not nice meh???
whay chiat:*stunned* eh,nonono,i mean go buy things at amway la
Me:aiyo,got ppl speechless adi,die die wan face.(^^)
whay chiat then tiam-tiam liao.
We went to the ward and vivit siloam,hoho,nearly twenty people go one time,siload's bed was surrounded with people.We had a talk with him,thank God his condition is improving.Vivien handed me an orange to peel for Siloam.I peeled it 
Jim:eh,suling,go!train to be nurse LOL
Anuty Angie:Su Ling,come,train and be a mother..
=.='''   =.='''   =.=''' a MOTHER??MOTHER?MOTHER.

Beside Siloam's bed was the wheelchair.Vivien suddenly finds that the wheelchair is interesting.She sitson the wheelchair,snap snap snap and call ah jim to push her around,many of the nurses stare  look at her.Haha,vivien,cute betul u.Someone took notice oh siloam's hands.There were rings on it.

Jim:arh..cicin kahwin ar?
Stef:yalu yalu, that finger lui

Siloam reaction:nononononnono sambil *shake shake head*
another ring was on his last finger(dunno call wat liao)whay chiat took and wear,aiyo,so small ar.I took the ring from him and wore it on my thumb.
Whay chiat:walao,ur small 1
Jim:yalor,dunno wat hand,so small de
Me *thinking in my heart* :my hand la,if not kingkong's hand ar,but i just smiled,haha.

We snap snap snap a few photo's at the hospital.One of it was snapping the shoes of 5 ppl.
Aunty Angie:aiyo,si lek,shoe pun take photo ar -.-,kids nowadays ar..,hahaha,too bad that picture was too dark and we deleted it.Got a few more though,haha,i noticed that hospital can be a fun place too.When the youths are around,everything will be FUN :)
We went home when the clock struck at 2p.m.Kay Sin drove the van again.This time,they stop at Joshua's house to DOTA,the boys all said ON!!! well,Ivan,i went and c ur Yumi liao,so tiny la,and cannot deny la,it is cute,haha
I played v it a while and went home.So,this is how i spent half of my Friday.


1 comment:

iVan Chong said...

aawww, i wanna touch her!! but u all touched b4 i did T_T hahhaa
thanks for missing me everyone! :D miss all of u too..