Wednesday, November 18, 2009


This week I'm posted to medical 2.Previously I was working in Surgical 1,medical 2 is a buzier place compared to surgical 1.
My patient is having pyrexia.He couldn't stand on his own.I try to help me as much as I can.In this ward,i saw many cases,some of them are confuse,some of them can't eat.It was very painful looking at their condition,after helping them,i feels happy.One of them was suffering from down syndrome.The nurses gave him some injection.It is tough to take care of this patient.
I felt thankful to my parents for looking after me for so many years and thank God for giving me such a good body that I can take care of my own.
Friends,give thanks for what you have,stop complaining and you will notice ur life is beautiful

Friday, November 13, 2009


Today we had our last paper! Yahoo,after the exam,i really felt like screaming at the top of my lungs,I felt the happiness and felt so relieved.
We went to gurney and watch 2012.Gurney and Adventist hospital is around 15-20min.The movie was very long.We didin't manage to watch the last part,it was 2.51p.m by then and we were all having skills lab at 3.We rush out of the cinema like mad ppl.All the way going down to the escalator.So paise,arrgh..But we managed to run and reached skill lab tepat pada masa 3p.m.You can imagine the total madness if you know the distance between adventist hospital and gurney cinema.When I reach the skillslab,we were all ready to listen to Miss Chin.I felt very weak and starts to breathe like mad.After 20minutes,finally everything was settled down.I don't want to start this again liao.arrrgh

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

pek chik!!

At first I WAS very happy because I finished the two 'giants' today.Then I buka facebook and saw something,I began to start fuming already.If anger can chop a person into pieces,I really can't imagine what form you are in now.
Stop calling me and stop messaging me,You make me wanna chop chop chop! slap slap slap!eat eat eat you into pieces ar!!!!!
2 more papers to go,dun think about it first,after my finals only come and count slow slow with you.

p.s:friends,if you want to know something about me and Mr A,please come and ask me directly,thank you

happy mode

Tuesday:Fundamentals of Nursing

These two papers are done!wohoo!
I feel like flying~

Friday, November 6, 2009


I am confused now,can you leave me alone please?
Let me think...think...think..and sink into my own thoughts,that will be better.
What's ur feeling when you tries to explain something and before you even started,that 'someone' already accuse you of other things..Apa maksud leh?
Today I lost my diary in the library,i felt like millions of ants are on my body crawling around,che kia like mad...luckily it was taken by one of my friend,but she read it le,too bad,it's ok for me because i also know her secrets,haha

Exam is next week adi!!
Good luck to all my coursemates and God bless you : )

Monday, November 2, 2009


It is another week of clinical.I'm in the morning shift today,maybe it's the first day of working,I felt so sleepy,especially during passing report.This is not a good sign.I just feel oh-i'm-so-sleepy
I went to skillslab after the shift ended,Miao Ping perform bed bath for me,it was so nice and relaxing,I fell asleep many times on the bed,teruk betui.
It's a new week and after this week,the exams are coming! Jia you!!!
Fundamental of Nursing(1)-
Environmental Helath-

I can do it!! Let's do it,let's do it!!