Friday, November 13, 2009


Today we had our last paper! Yahoo,after the exam,i really felt like screaming at the top of my lungs,I felt the happiness and felt so relieved.
We went to gurney and watch 2012.Gurney and Adventist hospital is around 15-20min.The movie was very long.We didin't manage to watch the last part,it was 2.51p.m by then and we were all having skills lab at 3.We rush out of the cinema like mad ppl.All the way going down to the escalator.So paise,arrgh..But we managed to run and reached skill lab tepat pada masa 3p.m.You can imagine the total madness if you know the distance between adventist hospital and gurney cinema.When I reach the skillslab,we were all ready to listen to Miss Chin.I felt very weak and starts to breathe like mad.After 20minutes,finally everything was settled down.I don't want to start this again liao.arrrgh

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