Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My fourth driving experience

it's been a long time since the last post.i've been taking driving lessons for quite long.Today is my last one and i have to continue after coming back from national's lesson was 10-11.When the time reach,as usual the insturctor is still not there.After 10minutes,i went to the counter and ask,Cik,Cikgu Faridah lewat lagi ke  belum datang?"yaya,Faridah hari ini mc..
Me;huh?mc?tapi hari ini ada lesson dengan dia?
that cik(lol):tunggu sebentar,saya arrange untuk awak semula deh
Me:terima kasih..
what the fish,like this also can!
But luckily i got a good instructor and had a good day.As i drive,i began to chat v him,then he started to gossip abt my 1st instructor,
He::eh,adik tahu tak,itu Faiz,dia suka bulu tuh..
He:yela,dio tak boleh tengok bulu,dia geram dan mesti nak cabut.
Me:*laugh sambil sweat*yekah?saya tak tahu,hehe
He:adik tak tengok ke,1st lesson dengan dia,dia cabut bulu hidung

and my reaction become --------> =.=''''''',lol this insructor
Later on,i change the topic,i say my 1st instructor brought me to drive at the airport there too.He was like..:ooo,sabik pun Faiz goyak pado cikgu awak suko jale-jale,tak ape,nanti cikgu bagi awak pergi jalan-jalan situ juga.
I began to drive,go to gear 3 then we went to another road for the lesson.This cute instructor started to joke with me and make me laugh non-stop.Sambil drive sambil hold the stomach,haha,friends,this is my lisence L =.=''
I slowly increase my speed,he didin't say anything and continue to tell me jokes,walao!
Then when the time he said:eh,New,konar sini,jale airport tuh,i control the steering and turn,forgot to change to 2nd gear,luckily tak mati enjin.At the airport there,my instructor told me to increase the speed because that was on the 'big road'.I increase until 70 and go on to the 4th gear,wuhoo,normally the limit for lisence L is 50,according to my instructor la.
He:new,awak pernah belajar ke kereta nih?
Me:tok,hari ini baru kali ke-4 saya memandu
He:yeke?macam oge lamo memandu..
Me:haha,syiok eh
He:Faiz tadi cakap ajar New nih syok jugok
Me:*thinking*what?Faiz again?
...then he started to gossip abt the colleague of him again.I just laugh away.Then suddenly he say:New,jange ketawo,depe ado budok tuh,nanti ketawa duk penjara,polis pun geram dengan awak.. =.='''
Then I drove back,it was 1and a half hours le,extra 30minutes..haha.too sad the next lesson will be after my national service.

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