Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Power of Love?

Love?this word seems tough to definite it eh?
1.A strong powerful force to keep a person going?
2.A kind of feeling living things have for another living things?LOL
3.Some force that make a person willing to do sth he or she don't like

I noticed there a big differences when there is "love",no matter what kind of love is it.

1st situation-
A girl and a boy is walking on the road,while passing the shops,wah,soooooo cute...i want!!
If there is love,the boy will:"wait ar...after 5 minutes appear,nah,suprise!!!
If there is no love:cute meh?you like ma buy lor,LOL

Situation 2-
The boy likes to play game and is addicted to games.The girl says,:play game very nice meh?why u play play play everyday de?
If there is love,the boy will..okla,i play less a bit lor,@because of u i quit la
If there is no love:play game also cannot ar?my buisness la

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